Why India needs micro EVs? Several Reasons are behind

2024-06-20 16:41:29


A huge segment of people is there in India who require inexpensive cars for their small families. That segment is asking for 2nd car, a small car for the busiest cities, a wife’s car, a car for college kids and all such can be made possible by micro EVs. Only micro EVs are the perfect option for that demand, however, some brands are working towards it like MG Comet EV, which is not exactly inexpensive.

This is the Fiat Topoline EV, recently launched in Europe. It is a small even a tiny car. This car offers a speed of only 45 kph, 60 km in the real world. Only two people can sit in it.

The question arises as to why India needs micro EVs.

So let’s do some practical analysis, imagine you could own only one car (like most of us). What would you want that “one car” to be able to do?

Going to the office, dropping kids to school, and buying groceries from the market on the busiest roads of Indian cities are some general uses of a car at most of us home. And do all of these must be comfortable, affordable, safe and all the best possible with micro EVs.

India is today the 3rd largest car market just behind the USA and China. In these markets 4-2 million vehicles annually, EVs currently contribute barely 2%. Yes, they are growing fast but on a much smaller base. Let’s look at some facts…

EVs can handle the urban duties and are arguably better than an ICE, thanks to no gears/clutch to fiddle with, and highly efficient drivetrains in stop-and-go traffic.

EVs are comfortable in hot bumpy environments having modern connected features, batteries large enough to support air-conditioning and suspension setups just as advanced as any.

Only one drawback can be seen micro EVs can not hit the highways.

The Numbers -     

The most populated country china has 183 cars per 100 people. The USA has 594 and India has only 24 despite being the world’s 3rd largest market. If we talk about the population of India it is 4.5x bigger than that of the US, with an economy growing at 6% annually, compared to the USA’s 2%. In that case, it can say that –

Many Indians are going to purchase their 1st car in the year to come or replace their existing car

Many Indians are going to buy their 2nd or 3rd car in the year to come, as happened in China or the USA.

Make no mistake – the idea behind the Comet EV is brilliant. This is a cute little car, perfect for urban busiest cities, for kids, for two seating only. the micro EVs can be the future by seeing all such facts. Not only in India but also in other countries urban centres people may be interested in micro EVs like Jakarta, Mexico City, and Cairo are a few names where people are also facing unbearable traffic, suffocating vehicular pollution and rising fuel prices. The thing is it would be interesting to know how car buyers in such markets react to the proposition of micro EVs.     


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