Transfer Ownership - Form 29 & Form 30
Every state has its own Regional Transport Officers (RTO) in the country. They carry out driving licenses, vehicle registrations, tax collections, validating vehicle insurance, vehicle pollution checks, and other services. If people want to sell a used car there are some forms (Form 28, Form 29, Form 30) to fill out and are found at any RTO and are also available online through the website. Let’s know what these forms are and how to fill Form 29 and Form 30 in terms of transfer ownership.

Form 29 (Notice of Transport of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle) -
RTO Form 29 is crucial during the sale of a motor vehicle and it contains two parts: The first part remains concerned with the personal details of the original automobile owner and the buyer. The other form bears an official endorsement.
Sample image of Form 29 -

Get Form 29 Online in PDF
Needed Documents -
- Address proof of the transferee
- Identity and address proof of the buyer
- Original registration certificate of the vehicle
- Insurance copy
- Pencil print of the Engine Chassis
How to Fill Form 29 -
- Form 29 is available at RTO but one can also download it online in PDF
- Enter the name of the Registering Authority, and address as mentioned in the identity proof.
- Enter the date when you have delivered.
- Enter vehicle number, Chassis number, and Engine number.
- Now enter married individuals and the name of the husband.
- The registered owner affixes his signature along with the date.
- Send an acknowledgment of this document through registered post.
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Form 30 (Application for Intimation and Transfer of Ownership of a Motor Vehicle) -
Sample image of Form 30 -

Form 30 contains four parts.
- Information about transferor
- Details about transferee
- Financier's agreement
- Official endorsement.
Get Form 30 Online in PDF
Needed Documents -
- ID and address proof of the seller and buyer
- Age proof of the buyer
- Registration certificate
- NOC by RTO
- Insurance certificate
How to Fill Form 30 -
- Form 30 is available at RTO but one can also download it online in PDF
- First we have to write the name of the Registering Authority.
- Enter the personal details and the date and year that you sold your vehicle.
- Registration number of the car you sold and mention buyer's information.
- The transferor affixes his signature with the date.
- Enter the buyer's information and the date and year that you bought the vehicle and write the vehicle registration number.
- Mention the financier's full name and address as well as the date.
- The financier gets a copy of this document through mail.
- The registered owner's signature or thumb impression as well as the financier's signature are required to complete the application.
So, must fill form 29, form 30 while selling used cars for the transfer the ownership. Steps stated about will guide you in filling such form in a right way.
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